bed in photographs


The photographs above were taken by Anna Adderley



The bed-in yesterday was a great success – with so many people joining us in bed. We had some excellent speakers, we sang songs and heard many stories. I am hoping to be able to post some pictures and videos soon. So do watch this space…

traveling from far and wide for the bed-in

Craftivists and WECC people are starting to gather in Everton ready for the bed-in tomorrow. We are coming together from across the land to work on our duvet for peace. we hope you’ll come at join us tomorrow at the Bluecoat, School Lane, Liverpool (get directions here) anytime between 11am – 4pm.

Craftivist Sarah Corbett has packed her bag and is on her way up in the snow from London.


It’s the bed-in on Wednesday…

I hope you’re getting excited about the ‘and sew to bed’ bed-in at the bluecoat. We are getting our stitching fingers ready to get our lovely duvet bedworthy. It won’t be finished by Wednesday because we have received a number of patches this week so would like to include this on the final duvet cover, also we are hoping that people will do some stitching on the actual day so it would be good to put these on the duvet as well. So, if you haven’t already done a patch or you fancy offering another one then there is still a chance to get involved in this amazing event.

One late addition has been this great patch from Hannah (see below) about light (a good patch for Advent).

We aim to shine some light into the darkness of inequality and injustice with our bed-in protest…we hope you’ll come at join us at the Bluecoat, School Lane, Liverpool (get directions here) anytime between 11am – 4pm.

st peter’s church Everton: Wild bunch’s protest patches

St Peter’s church in Everton have made a few patches for the bed-in but today the children’s church – wildbunch – made some great patches for us.  Their patches speak out against injustice and call for God’s peace, justice and love to be shown to the world. This reminds us of a verse in the bible:

And what does the LORD require of you?
To act justly and to love mercy
and to walk humbly with your God

Micah 6.8


sarah warwick, london: peace, love and education


barley in london: silence

Barley has taken inspiration from a story that was featured in the New Internationalist where Saharawis protested on the streets of Western Sahara by ‘holding hands and with their mouths taped-up the 94 activists held a sit-down protest in the street in front of the bristling police.’

Mary in London: hunger and unhappiness

Using a quotation from Gandhi Mary has drawn our attention to the futility of beauty unless it is used to ensure that equality is for all.

West Everton Community Council protest patches

During our Scouse and Stitch night a load of us made some great patches for the bed-in. Here are some of the wonderful creations made that night:

zap adventure play, Everton: children’s protest patches

The kids at Zap Adventure Playground in Everton made some patches from felt for the bed-in. They are particularly concerned about issues that face young people today. They want to ensure that people take safeguarding seriously, that everyone has the right to access to good housing, that adults take their views into consideration when  making policy about play and that they have open spaces to play in. Here are some of their patches (more can be found on the craftivist flickr site).